Yellowstone's only wood-fired sauna

Authentic, comfortable, and unforgettable, our Island Park cabin features a creekside Finnish sauna

All guests at The Yellowstone Cabin are invited to enjoy the wood-fired sauna, cold plunge in the creek, and cool off in a pile of snow.

Sitting among Idaho's tall pines, the sauna is a destination in and of itself. It's a place where your group can gather, relive the day's memories, laugh at jokes, and relax. It's not uncommon for guests to tell us that they want to recreate the experience by building the same sauna in their own backyard at home.

Why is the sauna so special? The wood-fired stove produces heat that is more immersive than any sauna you've ever experienced. The glow of the fire makes you feel at peace. Dropping a few ladles of water onto the hot rocks produces a thick steam that transforms your experience.

It's normal to sit in the sauna for fifteen to twenty minutes and take a break. During the break, you're welcome to carefully cold plunge in the alpine creek or lay in the snow. When you feel cold, it's time to get back in the sauna for another round!

Sauna benefits

Increases cardiovascular health

Improves mental health, fights depression and anxiety


Reduces muscle soreness, inflammation, and joint pain

Lowers risk of dementia and Alzheimer's

Helpful tips

Don't rush, sauna is supposed to be relaxing and social

It's not a competition, take a break when you've reached your limit

Stop if you feel dizzy (it's normal for first-timers)

If you have a heart condition, talk to your medical provider before sauna

Interior of the saunaA couple relaxing in the sauna

There isn't a right way to sauna, but this is how you sauna.

It takes time for the stove to heat up, so begin your prep a couple of hours before you plan to sauna. The first step is to light a fire in the stove (see our guide on how to light a fire in a stove). While the stove is heating, drink plenty of water.

The sauna can reach a temperature of 230° F (110° C), but we recommend staying at 180° (82° C) because most people are uncomfortable beyond that. When the sauna is ready, fill the ladle bucket with water and grab a few dry towels per person.

Inside the sauna, open the air vents along the back wall. Lay some dry towels on the benches—it's poor sauna etiquette to let your bare skin touch the wood. You'll find that the top bench is hotter, so if you're new to sauna, try the lower bench first.

A traditional sauna routine is three rounds. The first round is resting at temperature for ten to twenty minutes followed by a cold plunge or dip in the snow. The second round involves splashing some water on the rocks to create löyly, the word for steam in Finland. Another cold rinse follows the second round. During the third round, stretch and whisk your friends with a bundle of leaves if you have them. Don't forget to rehydrate between rounds!

When you're done, close the air vents and soak up any water or sweat with a dry towel. Throw another log or two in the stove to sanitize and remove any remaining moisture. Doing so will ensure that the sauna is ready for the next guests.

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